
Our Christian faith guides all that we do. It permeates every part of our school’s programs and activities.

Specific parts of our faith life include but are not limited to:

Daily Morning Devotions

Daily Religion Classes

Seventh and eighth grade students receive catechetical instruction by the pastor and a teacher based upon the Holy Bible, Luther's Small Catechism, and the Lutheran Service Book. All students enrolled in grades seven and eight are required to take this course of instruction. The pastor may be contacted for additional information.

Weekly Chapel on Monday

Including Koinonia (Fellowship) led by each class once a month. An integral part of chapel includes an offering chosen by our students.

Chapel Families

Students of all ages who sit together for chapel and participate in monthly chapel family activities.

Prayer Throughout the Day

Including lunch and dismissal.

Church Attendance

Encouragement for regular attendance at the student’s home church.